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Advanced Tabnabbing -Phishing Attack simplified

What is Tabnabbing ?  Tabnabbing is Phishing attack that simplifies the phishing.The attack's name was coined in early 2010 by Aza Raskin, a security researcher and design expert.  This will reload the inactive tabs with fake page

How The Attack Works ?
  • A user navigates to your normal looking site.
  • A malicious code detect when the page has lost its focus and hasn’t been interacted with for a while.
  • Replace the favicon with the Gmail favicon, the title with “Gmail: Email from Google”, and the page with a Gmail login look-a-like. This can all be done with just a little bit of Javascript that takes place instantly.
  • As the user scans their many open tabs, the favicon and title act as a strong visual cue—memory is malleable and moldable and the user will most likely simply think they left a Gmail tab open. When they click back to the fake Gmail tab, they’ll see the standard Gmail login page, assume they’ve been logged out, and provide their credentials to log in. The attack preys on the perceived immutability of tabs.
  • After the user has entered their login information and you’ve sent it back to your server, you redirect them to Gmail. Because they were never logged out in the first place, it will appear as if the login was successful.

Targeted Attacks:

Using my CSS history miner you can detect which site a visitor uses and then attack that site (although this is no longer possible in Firefox betas). For example, you can detect if a visitor is a Facebook user, Citibank user, Twitter user, etc., and then switch the page to the appropriate login screen and favicon on demand. 

Even more deviously, there are various methods to know whether a user is currently logged into a service. These methods range from timing attacks on image loads, to seeing where errors occur when you load an HTML webpage in a script tag*. Once you know what services a user is currently logged in to, the attack becomes even more effective.

You can make this attack even more effective by changing the copy: Instead of having just a login screen, you can mention that the session has timed out and the user needs to re-authenticate. This happens often on bank websites, which makes them even more susceptible to this kind of attack.

You can get this code from here:
How to protect yourself from this hack?
  • You can use a safe browser that uses anti-javascript plugins (Firefox with noscript). Note: Advanced Tabnabbing will work even javascript is not enabled. 
  • Check the url in the address bar.
  • If you got link in emails, enter the url in address bar instead of clickin it.
  • You can use some Anit Phishing add ons like(Don't Phish me,Netcraft,FirePhish) .


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